
Nginx - IP

sometimes, you wanna restrict access to a webserver based on ip addresses. here a little howto. Update nginx Config for your vhost and forward temporary/permanent to a sorry host. --->8- snip -8<--- location / { allow; allow 2001:db8::/32; deny all; error_page 403 =301 https://sorry.your.domain; } or move the ip’s to a dedicated file and include it here … --->8- snip -8<--- location / { include incl/admin_ip.txt; deny all; error_page 403 =301 https://sorry.

HTMX & Nginx

Little Test with HTMX & Nginx recently, i saw the Keynote - “Full-Stack Python” (Andy “Pandy” Knight) and i read an article about html & websockets. So I thought why not give it a try? Preview Requirements the usual stuff: Virtual Machine (here: OpenBSD VM) FQDN Pointing to your Box SSL Cert Webroot on your webserver, create a new webroot wherever you have your pages located. su - webmaster mkdir -p /var/www/virtual/your.

Flask JWT - Sample

Flask & JWT getting your hands dirty with Flask and JWT Source with some modifications by myself … Environment Test under macOS & OpenBSD, Poetry installed and working Script build virtual env export app="app100" export FLASK_APP="${app}/app" poetry new ${app} cd ${app} set python 3.10 poetry env use $(which python3.10) gsed -i "s/python = \"^3.*$/python = \"^3.10\"/" pyproject.toml poetry lock add packages wget -4 -O requirements.txt echo "marshmallow-sqlalchemy" >> requirements.