Openbsd Root Password Recovery

if you ever have to recover your root password …

Root PW Recovery

boot> boot -s

Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh: [ENTER]

fsck -p /
fsck -p /usr

mount -uw /
mount /usr


and finally: reboot


need to run fsck ?

fsck /dev/sd1a
fsck -y /dev/sd1a


need do fix your fstab ?

boot -s
mount /usr
mount /
export TERM=vt100
/usr/bin/vi /etc/fstab
fix it !

Any Comments ?

sha256: 83b758be6c6353e12d4750d8df65d5531075e621a6918ec1c5688386f62e2ace

Smokeping Debian Nginx

Smokeping in 5min, with Dual Stack on Nginx


All in one Installer

Run it at your own risk …

chmod 700

or Setup by Hand

Install Packages

apt-get install borgbackup curl echoping fcgiwrap fping hping3 htop lynx mlocate mtr nginx rsync smokeping tmate tree tshark unzip vim vnstat wget zip

Configure Nginx

export MYSITENAME=""
wget ""
sed -i -- s/smokeping\.example\.com/${MYSITENAME}/g best.conf
chown root: best.conf
mv best.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/${MYSITENAME}.conf
ln -s "../sites-available/${MYSITENAME}.conf" "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/${MYSITENAME}.conf"
nginx -t && systemctl restart nginx

Some Smokeping Fixes

mkdir -p /var/run/smokeping

Tune General

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/General
*** General ***

owner    = Franz Musterer
contact  = [email protected]
mailhost = smtp-relay-host

# NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin
# since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not
# good for images.
cgiurl   = http://somekping.planet/smokeping/smokeping.cgi

# specify this to get syslog logging
syslogfacility = local0
# each probe is now run in its own process
# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
# concurrentprobes = no

@include /etc/smokeping/config.d/pathnames

Tune Databases

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Database
*** Database ***

step     = 60
pings    = 59
#step     = 300
#pings    = 20

# consfn mrhb steps total

AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
    MIN  0.5  12  4320
    MAX  0.5  12  4320
AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
    MAX  0.5 144   720
    MIN  0.5 144   720

Tune Probes

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Probes
*** Probes ***

+ FPing

binary = /usr/bin/fping

+ FPing6
binary = /usr/bin/fping
protocol = 6

+ EchoPingHttp

binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
accept_redirects = yes
extraopts =
ignore_cache = yes
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
port = 80
priority = 6
revalidate_data = no
timeout = 20
tos = 0xa0
url = /
waittime = 1


binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
accept_redirects = yes
extraopts =
ignore_cache = yes
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
port = 443
priority = 6
prot = 3443
revalidate_data = no
timeout = 20
tos = 0xa0
url = /
waittime = 1


binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
dns_request =
dns_tcp = no
dns_type = A
extraopts =
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
plugin = /usr/lib/echoping/
pluginargs = -p
priority = 6
timeout = 1
tos = 0xa0
waittime = 1

Tune Targets

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets
*** Targets ***

probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of xxx Company.          Here you will learn all about the latency of our network.

+ Local
menu = Local
title = Local Network

++ LocalMachine

menu = Local Machine
title = This host
host = localhost

+ Inet
menu = Internet
title = some Hosts on the Net
probe = FPing

++ google
menu = google
title = google,
host =

++ switch
host =

++ uzh
host =

++ blick
host =

+ IPv4
menu = IPv4 Hosts
title = Hosts running IPv4
probe = FPing

++ multi
menu  = MultiTarget
title = Multiple Targets
host  = /IPv4/host1 \
        /IPv4/host2 \

++ host1
host = host1.planet

++ host2
host = host2.planet

++ host3
host = host3.planet

+ IPv6
menu = IPv6 Hosts
title = Hosts running IPv6
probe = FPing6

++ multi
menu  = MultiTarget
title = Multiple Targets
host  = /IPv6/host1 \
        /IPv6/host2 \

++ host1
host = host1.planet

++ host2
host = host2.planet

++ host3
host = host3.planet

menu = HTTP
title = some HTTP Probes
probe = EchoPingHttp

++ google-com
host =

++ uzh
host =

Restart Smokeping

systemctl restart smokeping



Smokeping with IPv4 / IPv6

How to install Smokeping on Debian in 5 Minutes

with Dualstack, IPv4 and IPv6


All in one Installer

Run it at your own risk …

chmod 700

or Setup by Hand

Set Hostname

root@smokeping:~# cat /etc/hostname

Install Packages

apt-get install apache2 borgbackup curl echoping fping hping3 htop ipcalc jq lftp lynx mlocate mtr nmap pwgen rsync sipcalc smokeping tmate tree tshark unzip vim vnstat wget zip

Enable Smokeping in Apache

cd /etc/apache2/conf-enabled
ln -s ../conf-available/smokeping.conf .

Enable Module CGI

a2enmod cgid
systemctl restart apache2

Some Smokeping Fixes

mkdir -p /var/run/smokeping

Tune General

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/General
*** General ***

owner    = Franz Musterer
contact  = [email protected]
mailhost = smtp-relay-host

# NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin
# since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not
# good for images.
cgiurl   = http://somekping.planet/smokeping/smokeping.cgi

# specify this to get syslog logging
syslogfacility = local0
# each probe is now run in its own process
# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
# concurrentprobes = no

@include /etc/smokeping/config.d/pathnames

Tune Databases

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Database
*** Database ***

step     = 60
pings    = 59
#step     = 300
#pings    = 20

# consfn mrhb steps total

AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
    MIN  0.5  12  4320
    MAX  0.5  12  4320
AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
    MAX  0.5 144   720
    MIN  0.5 144   720

Tune Probes

cat << EOF > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Probes
*** Probes ***

+ FPing

binary = /usr/bin/fping

+ FPing6
binary = /usr/bin/fping
protocol = 6

+ EchoPingHttp

binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
accept_redirects = yes
extraopts =
ignore_cache = yes
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
port = 80
priority = 6
revalidate_data = no
timeout = 20
tos = 0xa0
url = /
waittime = 1


binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
accept_redirects = yes
extraopts =
ignore_cache = yes
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
port = 443
priority = 6
prot = 3443
revalidate_data = no
timeout = 20
tos = 0xa0
url = /
waittime = 1


binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
dns_request =
dns_tcp = no
dns_type = A
extraopts =
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
plugin = /usr/lib/echoping/
pluginargs = -p
priority = 6
timeout = 1
tos = 0xa0
waittime = 1

Tune Targets

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets
*** Targets ***

probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of xxx Company.          Here you will learn all about the latency of our network.

+ Local
menu = Local
title = Local Network

++ LocalMachine

menu = Local Machine
title = This host
host = localhost

+ Inet
menu = Internet
title = some Hosts on the Net
probe = FPing

++ google
menu = google
title = google,
host =

++ switch
host =

++ uzh
host =

++ blick
host =

+ IPv4
menu = IPv4 Hosts
title = Hosts running IPv4
probe = FPing

++ multi
menu  = MultiTarget
title = Multiple Targets
host  = /IPv4/host1 \
        /IPv4/host2 \

++ host1
host = host1.planet

++ host2
host = host2.planet

++ host3
host = host3.planet

+ IPv6
menu = IPv6 Hosts
title = Hosts running IPv6
probe = FPing6

++ multi
menu  = MultiTarget
title = Multiple Targets
host  = /IPv6/host1 \
        /IPv6/host2 \

++ host1
host = host1.planet

++ host2
host = host2.planet

++ host3
host = host3.planet

menu = HTTP
title = some HTTP Probes
probe = EchoPingHttp

++ google-com
host =

++ uzh
host =

Restart Smokeping

systemctl restart smokeping




Json Query

some basics about JQ

RAW Data

cat history.shelly.0.SHEM-3#40F52000B661#1.Total.Current.json | jq '.[0:3]'
    "val": 2.64,
    "ack": 1,
    "ts": 1607900404883,
    "q": 0,
    "user": "system.user.admin"
    "val": 2.61,
    "ack": 1,
    "ts": 1607900410483,
    "q": 0,
    "user": "system.user.admin"
    "val": 2.58,
    "ack": 1,
    "ts": 1607900416083,
    "q": 0,
    "user": "system.user.admin"

Query First Record

cat history.shelly.0.SHEM-3#40F52000B661#1.Total.Current.json | jq '.[0]'
  "val": 2.64,
  "ack": 1,
  "ts": 1607900404883,
  "q": 0,
  "user": "system.user.admin"

Filter val and ts

cat history.shelly.0.SHEM-3#40F52000B661#1.Total.Current.json | jq '.[0] |.ts,.val'

Filter val and ts on one line

cat history.shelly.0.SHEM-3#40F52000B661#1.Total.Current.json | jq '.[0] | (.ts |tostring) + ";" + (.val |tostring)'

Filter first 10 val and ts on one line

cat history.shelly.0.SHEM-3#40F52000B661#1.Total.Current.json | jq '.[] | (.ts |tostring) + ";" + (.val |tostring)' |head -10

Filter first 10 val and ts on one line

cat history.shelly.0.SHEM-3#40F52000B661#1.Total.Current.json | jq '.[] |.ts,.val' |paste - - |head -10
1607900404883	2.64
1607900410483	2.61
1607900416083	2.58
1607900421739	2.62
1607900427335	2.62
1607900433003	2.57
1607900438543	2.72
1607900444131	2.67
1607900449791	2.6
1607900455383	2.55

Current over 50A

cat history.shelly.0.SHEM-3#40F52000B661#1.Total.Current.json | jq -c '.[] | select (.val >= '50')'

BGP Stuff

dump networks from AS 3303

Wireguard Puffy to OPNsense

WG Tunnel between OpenBSD and OPNsense

How to Setup an WG Tunnel between OpenBSD and OPNSense ? That’s quite simple …


Install Packages

pkg_add wireguard-tools--

Gen Key Onliner

wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey

Build Interface

r=$(openssl rand -base64 32)

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/hostname.wg0
# WG Tunnel to OPNsense
wgkey   ${r}
wgport  51820
wgpeer  xxxxx - PUBLIC-KEY-OF-REMOTE-HOST - xxxxx= wgendpoint ${remote_ip} 51820 wgaip ${remote_net}
!route add ${remote_net}

sh /etc/netstart wg0
ifconfig wg0

update pf.conf

# skip on wg Interface
set skip on { lo0 wg0 }

# Wireguard
pass in log quick inet proto udp from ${remote_ip}/32 to (self) port 51820


Install Wireguard

Menu System -> Firmware -> Plugins -> Install Wireguard


Need a small and smart utility to manage you ssh keys under linux ? got some scripts and cronjobs which requires an local ssh key ? have a look at keychain !

Install Software

depending on your OS …

macos$ brew install keychain
debian$ sudo apt-get install keychain
openbsd$ pkg_add keychain
freebsd$ pkg install keychain

edit startup Scripts

$HOME/.bashrc $HOME/.bash_profile /etc/profile $HOME/.profile

cat << 'EOF' >> $HOME/.bashrc
# Keychain Startup
eval `keychain --eval id_ed25519`

check service

$ keychain
$ ssh-add -L

add to .profile

cat << 'EOF' >> .profile

# Keychain Loaded ? Load and show Key ...
eval $(keychain --eval id_ed25519)
echo -e "loaded keys: `ssh-add -L |cut -c 1-12,77-`\n"

List Keys

keychain --list

List Finterprints (Public Key ?)

$ keychain --list-fp

Set Timeout

Timeout for SSH Agent

OpenBSD 6.8

OpenBSD 6.8 released

OpenBSD has two new releases every year. historically, on 1. Mai and 1. November. With a few small execptions in the past Check Wikipedia

so, then latest OS appeared today: OpenBSD 6.8

Perform a Full Upgrade (incl. X Stuff)

sysupgrade -r

Run the Script (on your own risk !)

doas su -
mkdir /root/bin
ftp -o /root/bin/
chmod 740 /root/bin/
# /root/bin/
# *** reboot ***
# /root/bin/
# rm /root/bin/

or use some custom Script (just Xbase and not other X Stuff)

doas su -
mkdir /root/bin

cat << 'EOF' > /root/bin/

prepare () {

  echo "let's upgrade to 6.8 ..."

  rm -f /usr/lib/libperl.a

  rm /usr/X11R6/lib/libxkbui.*
  rm /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/xkbui.pc
  rm /usr/X11R6/include/X11/extensions/XKBui.h


download() {

  local _response=$(sysupgrade -n)

  if [[ $_response == *reboot ]]; then
    echo "\nInstalled! Let's reboot ...\n"
    rm /home/_sysupgrade/{comp,xf,xs}*
    echo "Nothing todo ..."


install() {

postwork() {

  echo "let's do some postwork after upgrade to 6.8 ..."

  cd /dev
  ./MAKEDEV all

  _boot=$(mount |awk -F'[/ ]' '/ on \/ / {print $3}')
  installboot ${_boot%?}




  pkg_add -Vu

  pkg_delete -a

  /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb &


# Main
local _ver=$(uname -r)

if [ "$_ver" == "6.7" ]; then


elif [ "$_ver" == "6.8" ]; then



exit 0

chmod 740 /root/bin/
# /root/bin/
# *** reboot ***
# /root/bin/
# rm /root/bin/


you should do a few checks afterwards:


Assuming you have a Website with some higher load, higher demand for availability, or both of them. You can do the following:

  • Duplicate your Webserver (and the Content of Course) as much as you need
  • Put a Loadbalancer in Front the Webserver, best in Combination with a Firewall Ruleset
  • Terminate TLS on the Loadbalancer once, or on each Webserver directly. Whatever you prefer.
  • You can also double the Loadbalancer with two Boxes the get redundancy on this level.

Network Diagram

                   |       www      |
                   | | vio0
                   |  Loadbalancer   |
                   |    | vio1
        |                   |                   |
        |                   |                   |
+-------+-------+  +--------+-------+  +--------+-------+
|     www1      |  |      www2      |  |      www3      |
|   |  |   |  |   |
+---------------+  +----------------+  +----------------+

Config Web1 - 3

You can run any Kind of Webserver you want. Apache, Nginx, Httpd, … here is the Config for Nginx on OpenBSD.

SSH Server behind Firewall

got a Server behing NAT / Firewall ? Need Shell access to … ?

Server behind NAT/FW

user@server$ ssh -R 1234:localhost:22 my.public.jumpbox

Access Server

ssh my.public.jumpbox

user@jumpbox$ ssh -p 1234 localhost


and you’re in :)

Any Comments ?

sha256: 81b4dc1d84f9f8bcbf5060f382853759fffa1e5824e2ae98ad5508a082db5dfd


another component of OpenBSD is relayd. it’s an integrated Loadbalancer & Proxy Service, like F5, Nginx and Others. But just like other BSD Services, straight, simple and easy to use … wanna see … ?

Setup 4 VM’s, one Loadbalancer and 3 Webserver. The Webserver should server the same content, while the Loadbalancer checks if a Webserver is running and redirects traffic to the host or not.

the configuration on the loadbalancer is simple like that: