

Do you like it ? I do …

Install macOS

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-monaspace

Any Comments ?

sha256: 9f088f3023c2e5c26817ccddbfb49ea25dd6f08d0ba3ac6e7ca9038f0d2e2547

Debian - MinIO

Minio on Debian

Need some S3 Storage for Reasons ? Here a few Lines, how to Setup and enable TLS.

Install Minio

login as root for the whole installation. Or use sudo/doas if preferred.

Upgrade you Box

apt update && apt upgrade -y

reboot if needed

add User

Let’s add User as we don’t wanna run it as root

useradd -r minio-user -s /sbin/nologin

Get Minio

Download, set execute permission and move it

OpenBSD 7.4

OpenBSD 7.4 finally released

Today, the 55th Release of OpenBSD was announced. My Upgrade Script is available here.


  • vmd(8) has moved to a multi-process model for virtio(4) block and network devices
  • malloc(3) now has built-in leak detection
  • In OpenSSH 9.5, ssh-kengen(1) generates Ed25519 keys by default
  • sec(4) for Route Based IPSec VPNs

see the Post on Undeadly for more Details, or the OpenBSD Page


doas su -
cd /root
chmod u+x


do the Upgrade

OpenBSD 7.4 DevBox

OpenBSD 7.4

… will be released next week (23. Oct 2023). Why not have a look at the upcomming OS and prepare a VM for Software Development ?


grab a fresh VM and Install OpenBSD 7.4

os version

puffy74# sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 7.4 (GENERIC.MP) #1396: Sun Oct  8 09:20:40 MDT 2023
    [email protected]:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP

empty vm

puffy74# pkg_info
quirks-6.159        exceptions to pkg_add rules and cache

add go, rust, python

puffy74# pkg_add go rust python3
quirks-6.159 signed on 2023-10-07T10:09:24Z
go-1.21.1: ok
rust-1.72.1:nghttp2-1.56.0: ok
rust-1.72.1:nghttp3-0.15.0: ok
rust-1.72.1:ngtcp2-0.19.1: ok
rust-1.72.1:curl-8.3.0p0: ok
rust-1.72.1:libssh2-1.11.0: ok
rust-1.72.1: ok
python3-3.10p2:xz-5.4.4: ok
python3-3.10p2:sqlite3-3.42.0: ok
python3-3.10p2:libiconv-1.17: ok
python3-3.10p2:gettext-runtime-0.22.2: ok
python3-3.10p2:libffi-3.4.4: ok
python3-3.10p2:bzip2-1.0.8p0: ok
python3-3.10p2:python-3.10.13: ok
python3-3.10p2: ok

show packages

Jetporch - Jet


did you ever heared of Jetporch, short Jet ? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one ;) Jet Project of Jet is being led by Michael DeHaan, the original creator of Ansible. So, expect something like Ansible, faster, written in rust … same same, but different.

Installation on Debian 12

grab a fresh machine and patch it

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get clean
apt-get autoclean
apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -yq
apt-get dist-upgrade -yq
apt-get autoremove -y

Install Rust from Source

jet needs rustc 1.64. Debian install 1.63 from packages :(

Poetry Packages

Let’s play with Packages and Libraries


Switch to Root Folder

cd /some/path/you/want

Create a new Package

poetry new mypackage

add some libraries

poetry add requests

… add some code …

cat << 'EOF' > mypackage/
print("importing", __name__)

cat << 'EOF' > mypackage/
print("importing", __name__)

def test1():

def test2(name: str):
  print("hello", name)

def test3(name: str, age:int):
  print(f"Hello {name} at age {age}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
  print("This is a Library or Package. You should import it into your Code and not run it directly ...")

Build Package

poetry build

List Tree

(mypackage-py3.11) stoege@host:~/git/demo/mypackage> tree
├── dist
│   ├── mypackage-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
│   └── mypackage-0.1.0.tar.gz
├── mypackage
│   ├──
│   └──
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml
└── tests

4 directories, 8 files

you have a package called “mypackage-0.1.0” created. As ’tar.gz and ‘.whl’ File

Hugo Table

How to add a Table to Hugo

Create Table Shortcode

cat <<'EOF'> layouts/shortcodes/table.html    
{{ $htmlTable := .Inner | markdownify }} {{ $class := .Get 0 }} {{ $old := "<table>" }}
{{ $new := printf "<table class=\"%s\">" $class }} {{ $htmlTable :=
  replace $htmlTable $old $new }} {{ $htmlTable | safeHTML }}

Build Table

add this to your Markdown File …

| a | b | c |
| - | - | - |
| bli | bla | blu |
| green | blue | red |


a b c
bli bla blu
green blue red

Align Left

| a | b | c |
| :- | :- | :- |
| bli | bla | blu |
| green | blue | red |


a b c
bli bla blu
green blue red

Align Right

| a | b | c |
| -: | -: | -: |
| bli | bla | blu |
| green | blue | red |


a b c
bli bla blu
green blue red

Any Comments ?

sha256: b0f3682d811304f9d60e0eb42ce92d7f28de15d6dbc0a9c35d1ce7937b442a60

Debian behind TLS Proxy

Behind Corp Proxy

let’s assume you’re behing a Corp Proxy which enforce TLS Inspection, you don’t have the Proxy Cert and you want to Upgrade your Boxes …

… and of course, you do this in the LAB and for Research only and not your Productiv Environment!

TLS Inspection enabled

apt-get upate
W: Failed to fetch  Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted.
The certificate issuer is unknown.  Could not handshake: Error in the certificate verification. [IP: xx.xx.xx.xx yyyy]

Disable TLS Check

touch /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99verify-peer.conf
echo >>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99verify-peer.conf "Acquire { https::Verify-Peer false }"


apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Any Comments ?

sha256: 40c39ed441b4690a8644cd63bfd2e6987f06a70c4f922eca14de5dcc27d4fb35

Python TinyDB

Storing Data in JSON - TinyDB

Small Example how to Store Data in JSON, and Query them afterwards like a NOSQL DB. Have a look at TinyDB if you wanna see more.


from tinydb import TinyDB, Query
from pprint import pprint

# Create or load a database file
db = TinyDB('db.json')

# insert some sample data
def insert():
    # Insert data
    db.insert({'name': 'John', 'age': 30})
    db.insert({'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25, 'hobbies': 'sleep'})
    db.insert({'name': 'Max', 'age': 20, 'hobbies': ['sleep', 'play', 'eat']})

# show all entries
def show_all():
    all_records = db.all()

# entries with hobbies
def show_entries_with_hobbies():
    User = Query()
    result =

# entries without hobbies
def show_entries_without_hobbies():
    User = Query()
    result =

# show entries with hobbies and older than 22 years
def show_entries_with_hobbies_and_older_than_22():
    User = Query()
    result = & (User.age > 22))

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Add

  # show
  print("\n-- ALL --")

  print("\n-- with Hobbies --")

  print("\n-- without Hobbies --")

  print("\n-- with Hobbies and older than 22 --")


you need to install tinydb. use a virtual env like .venv, poetry or whatever you like

Fastapi Project Template

Project Template for FastAPI

gave a try with a FastAPI Template,

Projectname: gugus1234

clone the repo

git clone gugus1234
cd gugus1234

Switch Poetry

i’d like to have poetry as virtual env manager

make switch-to-poetry

Rename some Stuff

had to rename some string in pyproject and different files …

mv project_name gugug1234
gsed -i 's/a-flask-test/gugus1234/' pyproject.toml
gsed -i 's/project_name/gugus1234/' pyproject.toml
gsed -i 's/project_name/gugus1234/g' gugus1234/ gugus1234/ gugus1234/ gugus1234/

Run Poetry once

poetry shell
poetry lock
poetry install

Admin User

let’s create admin user