JC - JSON from CLI
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how to build json from cli
we all like json, do we ? https://kellyjonbrazil.github.io/jc/docs/parsers/ping
add package
doas pkg_add jc
try ping
openbsd-box # ping -c 3 |jc --ping -p 2>/dev/null
"destination_ip": "",
"data_bytes": 56,
"pattern": null,
"destination": "",
"packets_transmitted": 3,
"packets_received": 3,
"packet_loss_percent": 0.0,
"duplicates": 0,
"round_trip_ms_min": 9.219,
"round_trip_ms_avg": 9.826,
"round_trip_ms_max": 10.158,
"round_trip_ms_stddev": 0.43,
"responses": [
"type": "reply",
"bytes": 64,
"response_ip": "",
"icmp_seq": 0,
"ttl": 59,
"time_ms": 10.158,
"duplicate": false
"type": "reply",
"bytes": 64,
"response_ip": "",
"icmp_seq": 1,
"ttl": 59,
"time_ms": 9.219,
"duplicate": false
"type": "reply",
"bytes": 64,
"response_ip": "",
"icmp_seq": 2,
"ttl": 59,
"time_ms": 10.101,
"duplicate": false
Compatible platforms: linux, darwin, freebsd -> had to redirect the stderr to /dev/null because OpenBSD is not (yet) supported officially…
Supported Commands
--acpi `acpi` command parser
--airport `airport -I` command parser
--airport-s `airport -s` command parser
--arp `arp` command parser
--asciitable ASCII and Unicode table parser
--asciitable-m multi-line ASCII and Unicode table parser
--blkid `blkid` command parser
--chage `chage --list` command parser
--cksum `cksum` and `sum` command parser
--crontab `crontab` command and file parser
--crontab-u `crontab` file parser with user support
--csv CSV file parser
--csv-s CSV file streaming parser
--date `date` command parser
--df `df` command parser
--dig `dig` command parser
--dir `dir` command parser
--dmidecode `dmidecode` command parser
--dpkg-l `dpkg -l` command parser
--du `du` command parser
--email-address Email Address string parser
--env `env` command parser
--file `file` command parser
--finger `finger` command parser
--free `free` command parser
--fstab `/etc/fstab` file parser
--git-log `git log` command parser
--git-log-s `git log` command streaming parser
--gpg `gpg --with-colons` command parser
--group `/etc/group` file parser
--gshadow `/etc/gshadow` file parser
--hash `hash` command parser
--hashsum hashsum command parser (`md5sum`, `shasum`, etc.)
--hciconfig `hciconfig` command parser
--history `history` command parser
--hosts `/etc/hosts` file parser
--id `id` command parser
--ifconfig `ifconfig` command parser
--ini INI file parser
--iostat `iostat` command parser
--iostat-s `iostat` command streaming parser
--iptables `iptables` command parser
--iso-datetime ISO 8601 Datetime string parser
--iw-scan `iw dev [device] scan` command parser
--jar-manifest MANIFEST.MF file parser
--jobs `jobs` command parser
--jwt JWT string parser
--kv Key/Value file parser
--last `last` and `lastb` command parser
--ls `ls` command parser
--ls-s `ls` command streaming parser
--lsblk `lsblk` command parser
--lsmod `lsmod` command parser
--lsof `lsof` command parser
--lsusb `lsusb` command parser
--m3u M3U and M3U8 file parser
--mount `mount` command parser
--mpstat `mpstat` command parser
--mpstat-s `mpstat` command streaming parser
--netstat `netstat` command parser
--nmcli `nmcli` command parser
--ntpq `ntpq -p` command parser
--passwd `/etc/passwd` file parser
--pidstat `pidstat -h` command parser
--pidstat-s `pidstat -h` command streaming parser
--ping `ping` and `ping6` command parser
--ping-s `ping` and `ping6` command streaming parser
--pip-list `pip list` command parser
--pip-show `pip show` command parser
--postconf `postconf -M` command parser
--ps `ps` command parser
--route `route` command parser
--rpm-qi `rpm -qi` command parser
--rsync `rsync` command parser
--rsync-s `rsync` command streaming parser
--sfdisk `sfdisk` command parser
--shadow `/etc/shadow` file parser
--ss `ss` command parser
--stat `stat` command parser
--stat-s `stat` command streaming parser
--sysctl `sysctl` command parser
--systemctl `systemctl` command parser
--systemctl-lj `systemctl list-jobs` command parser
--systemctl-ls `systemctl list-sockets` command parser
--systemctl-luf `systemctl list-unit-files` command parser
--systeminfo `systeminfo` command parser
--time `/usr/bin/time` command parser
--timedatectl `timedatectl status` command parser
--timestamp UNIX Epoch Timestamp string parser
--top `top -b` command parser
--top-s `top -b` command streaming parser
--tracepath `tracepath` and `tracepath6` command parser
--traceroute `traceroute` and `traceroute6` command parser
--ufw `ufw status` command parser
--ufw-appinfo `ufw app info [application]` command parser
--uname `uname -a` command parser
--update-alt-gs `update-alternatives --get-selections` command parser
--update-alt-q `update-alternatives --query` command parser
--upower `upower` command parser
--uptime `uptime` command parser
--url URL string parser
--vmstat `vmstat` command parser
--vmstat-s `vmstat` command streaming parser
--w `w` command parser
--wc `wc` command parser
--who `who` command parser
--x509-cert X.509 PEM and DER certificate file parser
--xml XML file parser
--xrandr `xrandr` command parser
--yaml YAML file parser
--zipinfo `zipinfo` command parser
Any Comments ?
sha256: 4cc7076dbdc94336510813dfd535bc1341a2d5a4061b62c22df78c6e8fac1bfc