
ipv4 & ipv6

What’s my Public IP[4|6] Address from Cli ?

We all know the Situation when we’re working on some Maschines, locally or through ssh and asking ourself what ip address we get when reach out the internet.

My Dude “m2m” was so kind to wrote a litte Service years ago.

IP Inno CH - just try it out

and you get the anwer, for ipv4 and ipv6 on one page. With IP, PTR, SAS and other information. Without AD, Tracking Cookies and all the other Shit.


IPv6 Client mit OpenBSD

Stateless Autoconfig

ifconfig vether0 slaacd

falls der Router im RA ein “Managed Address Configuration: Set” schickt, muss der Client eine DHCPv6 Anfrage an den DHCPv6 Server schicken. OpenBSD hat das im Base System nicht drin, drum installieren wird den Client

pkg_add dhcpcd

umweg ~# cat /etc/dhcpcd.conf
option rapid_commit
require dhcp_server_identifier

# disable running any hooks; not typically required for simple DHCPv6-PD setup
script ""

# List interfaces explicitly so that dhcpcd doesn't touch others
allowinterfaces vether0

interface vether0
        # the following two lines tell dhcpcd to do router solicitation
        # itself. don't use them if using "inet6 autoconf" (slaacd)
        ia_na 1

und last but not least den Service enablen und restarten


DualStack & Prefix Delegation with OpenBSD

OS: OpenBSD 6.5

Hint: wide-dhcpv6-20080615p9 was not working fine. So, i gave a try with dhcpcd

Install Package

pkg_add dhcpcd-7.1.1p4

Configure dhcpcd

option rapid_commit
require dhcp_server_identifier

# disable running any hooks; not typically required for simple DHCPv6-PD setup
script ""

# List interfaces explicitly so that dhcpcd doesn't touch others
allowinterfaces em1 vlan108 vlan110 vlan112

interface em1
    # the following two lines tell dhcpcd to do router solicitation
    # itself. don't use them if using "inet6 autoconf" (slaacd)
    ia_na 1

    # request prefixes from the provider to use for downstream networks
    ia_pd 2 vlan108/1 vlan110/2 vlan112/3

Enable and Start Service

rcctl enable dhcpcd
rcctl restart dhcpcd

You sould now get a ip address on your public interface. adjust the pf.conf accordingly for ipv6 !